Progress from rank to rank.
Advancement is the process by which youth members of the Scouting America progress from rank to rank. Every Scout activity moves a youth toward three basic aims: character development, citizenship training, and mental and physical fitness. Advancement is one of the eight methods used by Scout leaders to help Scouts fulfill the aims of the BSA.
Refer to the Guide to Advancement for the most current advancement policies, procedures, and resources.
Scouting America, Laurel Highlands Council has established an Eagle Scout brick walkway in front of the Liberty Bell at Flag Plaza to honor Eagle Scouts. Sponsorship of a brick will support the Council’s ongoing Scouting programs and help ensure more Eagle Scouts for the second century of Scouting.

Brick sizes: 4″ x 8″ and 8″ x 8″ are available with your name and Eagle Scout year inscribed.

Bricks can also be named: IN HONOR OF … or … IN MEMORY OF

Your brick(s) will be set into the Eagle Scout Legacy Walkway as a lasting tribute to an Eagle Scout’s accomplishment that will proclaim the hope for more Eagle Scouts to follow in your footsteps.

Purchase a brick in the Eagle Scout Legacy Walkway today!
There is more to merit badges than simply providing opportunities to learn skills. There is more to them than an introduction to lifetime hobbies, or the inspiration to pursue a career—though these invaluable results occur regularly. It all begins with a Scout’s initial interest and effort in a merit badge subject, followed by a discussion with the unit leader or designated assistant, continues through meetings with a counselor, and culminates in advancement and recognition. It is an uncomplicated process that gives a Scout the confidence achieved through overcoming obstacles. Social skills improve. Self-reliance develops. Examples are set and followed. And fields of study and interest are explored beyond the limits of the school classroom.
Merit Badge Counselor lists are maintained by the District Advancement Committee. Please contact your Scoutmaster or District Advancement Chair for the current directory.