

Jun 30, 2021

It is always nice to share good news. Please know that Alan Parks has accepted the position of Deputy Scout Executive in our Laurel Highlands Council. As you know, Alan is a valued member of our team and our Chief Operating Officer. As we move forward in growth, Alan will take on additional responsibilities as it relates to budgeting, fiscal controls, short and mid-term strategic thinking.

Alan remains a vital component to our leadership team responsible for Scouting operations for the 14 counties in southwest Pennsylvania, northern Maryland, and northern West Virginia. He is responsible for the management, leadership, and development of our professional and support staff teams.

Alan and his team are responsible for the growth of all of Scouting’s programs in the communities that we serve. Additionally, Alan and his team are forward operators of our fundraising, unit service and our safe Scouting objectives. We are blessed to keep Alan, his wife Tiffany, and daughter Alynn in our Laurel Highlands family.

Join us in congratulating Alan by sending him an email at to thank him for his leadership, dedication to detail, and commitment to excellence.

From Laurel Highlands Council …. Scout ON!

Todd McGregor
CEO/Scout Executive
Laurel Highlands Council

Trail Markers.



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