
In the Media.

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Why You Should Enroll Your Child in Summer Camp Now

Summer is a time for fun, sunshine, and relaxation for kids — but if you send your child to camp, they can also reap personal growth benefits that can boost their success in school and in life. While it might seem early to start thinking about summer camp, enrolling...

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How Kids Can Learn to Be Good Citizens

If you want your child to learn the importance of being a good citizen and impactful member of their community, consider enrolling them in a Scouting program. While the Scouting America (BSA) is well-known for its wilderness camping and survival skills training, its...

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Why You Should Attend Boy Scouts Fundraiser Events

If you’ve ever been a Scout, known a Scout, or raised a Scout, you know that the Scouting America (BSA) is far more than just a youth organization; it's a movement that shapes the future leaders of our nation. With a mission to prepare young people to make...

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Why Join Scouting?

As parents, we always strive to provide our young ones with opportunities that help them develop essential life skills and values. One organization that has consistently proven to be beneficial for children and teens is the Scouting America (BSA), which has different...

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Scouting With the Laurel Highlands Council

If your family lives in Southwestern Pennsylvania and portions of the Potomac region in Maryland and West Virginia, and your child isn’t already involved with the Scouts BSA, enrolling them as a Cub or Scout with the Laurel Highlands Council may well be the best...

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Trail Markers.



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